Aquaculture North America

News Regulations
NOAA celebrates golden anniversary

February 26, 2020  By Liza Mayer

This year marks 50 years since the US Nixon administration signed the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) into existence.

In President Nixon’s message to Congress, he expressed that increasing knowledge and expanding opportunities by employing a unified approach to the problems of the ocean and atmosphere as the idea behind NOAA.

Since then, NOAA “has become one of the world’s premier science agencies that protects life and property, leads stewardship of the ocean and Great Lakes, and drives the blue economy—a mission that spans from the surface of the sun to the floor of the ocean,” said current Acting Administrator Dr Neil Jacobs.

In the field of aquaculture, NOAA has the mandate to ensure US marine aquaculture develops sustainably, in concert with healthy, productive, and resilient coastal ecosystems through regulation and policy, science and research, outreach and education, and international activities.


Throughout 2020, the agency will feature stories that celebrate its workforce and achievements on its website at

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