Aquaculture North America


LAQUA 2020

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March 22 - March 25, 2021
Virtual Event

Latin American and Caribbean Aquaculture 2020 (LACQUA2020) organised by the Latin American & Caribbean Chapter of the World Aquaculture Society will be organised online  on March 23, 24, 25, 2021 –

2020 was a year that brought us new challenges and one of the biggest was for events and congresses. We hope to see each other again very soon and share information and knowledge as we have done for several years. We like  to invite you all to participate in this event that will feature talks by great speakers with relevant and highly interesting presentations.

The LACQUA20 webinar will have two sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon, additionally a space for questions and answers with the experts. LACQUA20  also includes  the new format of e-market or “Suppliers Market”, with exhibitors and media that will have an online place to present their products or services (including videos), a link to their website and a chat box to discuss with attendees and organize meetings.

All other LACQUA20 abstracts and posters will be postponed to World Aquaculture 2021, in Merida, Mexico later that year.  Abstract submission for the World Aquaculture 2021 #AquacultureNow event that will take place in the city of Mérida, Mexico from November 15 to 19, 2021 is still open. Visit and click the event logo.

We hope to meet all of you  at this virtual event in March creating the  LACQUA platform with presentations, the e-Markets, chat boxes, and much more.

To all our faithful attendees, we can only thank for all these years that they have accompanied us. We will meet again soon!

More information on the LACQUA20 Webinar on or visit the Latin American and Caribbean chapter website by clicking on the logo top right.

Email contact:  Carolina Amézquita For more info on the e-market contact

Visit event's website

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