The Canadian Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Network (CIMTAN) received $99,954 in additional funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) to implement new initiatives.
With the funding CIMTAN will develop two workshops – one for up to 10 personnel on flume tank operation and training and one that will take place in Chile on integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA). The funding will also be used to validate and commercialize a bacteria-based assay for assessment of aquaculture to the benthic environment and to collaborate with Norwegian scientists at the Institute of Marine Research and Bioforsk on a research initiative.
“We did an internal call for proposals,” says Dr. Thierry Chopin, CIMTAN’s Scientific Director. “Our members suggested these four initiatives which build on the network’s existing training program, increase our knowledge/technology transfer capabilities and further the goals of NSERC’s international strategy.”
The flume tank workshop will provide a training supplement in interdisciplinary team research and operational training. The bacteria-based assay, if validated, will represent an IMTA site monitoring tool, which could be used to increase aquaculture sustainability and affect regulatory monitoring.
The funding was provided through the NSERC Strategic Network Enhancement Initiative.
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