Aquaculture North America

Aquafeed producer first among peers to have carbon footprint vetted

March 24, 2021
By Liza Mayer

Skretting plans to roll out globally the carbon certification program initiated at its Italian feed production facility Photo: Skretting

Skretting Italy launched last year an aquaculture feed called Feed4Future that’s produced with 10-percent lower CO2 emissions. 

While many other feed companies have made progress in developing more-sustainable feed formulas, for instance by reducing the feed’s fish meal or fish oil content, Skretting Italy says it is the first among its peers to have the carbon footprint of its feed portfolio independently certified. 

The ISO 14067:2018 certification was conducted by Norway-based risk management and assurance group DNV GL, and covers the entire production process, from raw material procurement, through formulation, and to final product dispatch through the factory gates.

Skretting said that having certified carbon footprint figures on its feed would “help fish farmers to calculate their own carbon footprint and understand ways in which it can be reduced.” 

Carbon footprint certification is just one of the many initiatives to improve the aquaculture industry’s sustainability. Skretting plans to roll out globally the carbon certification program initiated at its Italian facility.

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