Aquaculture North America

BC Salmon Farmers respond to government’s proposed transition framework

August 9, 2022
By Maryam Farag

The BC Salmon Farmers have reacted to the Government of Canada’s transition framework, stating that they are, “pleased to read language in the Government of Canada’s proposed transition discussion framework that aligns with our current operational values.”

According to the the BC Salmon Farmers, while elements of the proposed framework are challenging, given the ambitious timeline set out, “we are encouraged that the federal government will rely on reconciliation and peer-reviewed science as a foundation for planning.”

“At a time when our local economies continue to be stretched by COVID-19’s ongoing impacts and rising inflation, we are an essential economic driver and well-paid job creator in British Columbia’s coastal communities. We look forward to the opportunity to participate in developing our sector to meet Canada’s Blue Economy growth goals and the world’s demand for healthy, delicious farm-raised seafood.

“We are encouraged to hear DFO intends to listen to First Nations, local, and provincial governments and we will have more to contribute in the days and weeks ahead after reviewing the proposed framework in more detail.”

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