Aquaculture North America

From the Editor: The sometimes tedious, but incredibly important policy discussions

October 22, 2021
By Liza Mayer

(Photo: Global Conference on Aquaculture 2020)

Policy conferences or strategy meetings may sound unexciting to some of us but they are often necessary to help organizations or industries succeed. Last fall, a global conference on aquaculture held in Shanghai did just that. 

Called “GCA +20 – The Shanghai Declaration,” the conference highlighted strategies to maximize sustainable aquaculture (through innovation, it was said) and ensuring that the benefits of aquaculture growth is equitable and fairly distributed, reflecting the conference’s special focus on “leaving no one behind.”

The Shanghai Declaration arising from the conference will help shape the future of aquaculture. It will also lay the pathways on how the sector could optimize its contribution to global agri-food systems in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

The draft of The Shanghai Declaration’s call to action centres on investments in “new technologies, research and development” to realize the full potential of sustainable aquaculture that will benefit not only profits, but equally important, the planet, and people – through employment, poverty reduction, and nutrition.

Another strategy involves the world’s Indigenous Peoples, emphasizing that they should be among those that share in the benefits of aquaculture growth.

It is encouraging to note that our industry is taking the challenge of greening up the sector seriously. This Nov/Dec issue shows investment is being made in technology innovation and in improving feeds to make aquaculture greener, for instance. Furthermore, indigenous communities are also getting economic benefits in the sector, as you will see.

Of course, a great deal still needs to be done.  We’re excited to journal that journey. 

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